Five New Hampshire Goldbacks | Veritas (Truth)

as low as $34.40

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New Hampshire’s 5 Goldback design is the second time that Veritas, or Truth, makes an appearance. She is depicted here wearing a colonial dress, offering the light of a candle, and walking along a path that leads to a covered bridge over a foggy river. She symbolizes the light of truth and offers that light to others, beckoning them to come toward her and follow the path that leads them safely through the fog of obscurity and confusion that is their demise without her light. The covered bridge is patterned after one that can be found along the Kancamagus Highway, though similar covered bridges can be found all around the state. On Truth’s left is a purple lilac bush, the state flower, and on her right is a purple finch, the state bird, and below her is the caption “Walk in Truth”.

To the side of the path is a guardrail, representing how truth protects us and that if we hold fast to it, it will lead us along the path. In the background the viewer can see a moose, which are well known for their massive presence, territorial nature, poor eyesight, and excellent hearing and smell, which here represents steadfastly standing for and protecting truth and using many senses to identify it, even when it is hard to see.


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